Sejur Mallorca - Hotel HSM Son Veri, cu plecare din Cluj Napoca
This beach hotel is located in the famous area of the Arenal, in a lively main street and approximately 10 minutes walk from the beach. Within the area, guests will be able to find numerous bars, restaurants, pubs and discos as well as shops and numerous entertainment options. Public transport is to be found only 50 m away. This is a perfect place to enjoy the Mediterranean Sea.

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Transport cu avionul pe ruta CLJ - PMI (CLJ-PMI, PMI-CLJ)

1 bagaj de cala si 1 bagaj de mana/ persoana

Taxe de aeroport

Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport

Cazare 7 nopti

Asistenta turistica

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Asigurare de calatorie medicala si storno

Cheltuieli personale, bacsisuri, bauturi si servicii/facilitati neincluse in pretul pachetului (in functie de oferta fiecarui hotel)

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Sejururi cu avionul din Cluj Napoca catre Hotel HSM Son Veri, Palma de Mallorca, Spania

Verifica tarife si disponibilitate